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Each specialty includes an Excel database of the MD programs accredited by the American Medical Association (AMA) in the United States. We don't include the DO, the military, and Puerto Rico programs in our listings. The programs are in zip code order to facilitate US Post Office requirements for bulk mailing and enable you to easily concentrate on any geographic area desired. Each program includes THE NAME OF EACH RESIDENT OR FELLOW (PLUS MOST EMAILS), the best mailing address to contact the residents or fellows at the program, program phone, and fax number. We also include a separate director's file for each specialty.
KOPP DATABASES ARE THE MOST ACCURATE RESIDENT AND FELLOW LISTINGS YOU WILL FIND! Lists offered by other companies have a poor reputation for accuracy among health care professionals. Furthermore, these companies legally restrict customers to only one use while charging much higher fees. THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS ON THE NUMBER OF USES WITH OUR LISTINGS. 


By establishing an ambitious recruiting program, you enhance the prospect of recruiting the best physician available not just any physician.

Emails: We include a combination of individual, program coordinator, and central program emails. The estimated number of individual emails is 60%. Program coordinator & central program emails are around 40% (Family Medicine is about 50%). Residency and fellowship programs use strict email filters that block or bounce incoming emails so it is best to send emails one at a time. Some emails will be returned because the program's server doesn't recognize the senders IP address from the hospital system. Others may be returned for switched domains or cancelled emails. Kopp Directory believes it is more effective to initially contact the residents and fellows by mail even though it is more costly.